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Thursday, February 23, 2012

anime characters!

Tsukasa is the good, all-rounded girl. She is cute, funny, a little shy and yet can speak her mind about how she feels. She is the popular girl in the school, the one all the guys like but can't have. I loved her.

LACUS CLYNE, Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED
One of the very few female lead characters that actually stand out to me and that I like. Not your normal "needs-to-be-saved" or overly-girlish actions. She knows when it's appropriate to take action. (Plus she's voiced by Tanaka Rie in the Japanese version)
CHII, Chobits
Chii. That word alone is enough and will always make my day if I came home to Chii as Hideki. And of course her saying 'Hideki' after a few lessons then I would need nothing else... ever.
SHANA, Shakugan no Shana
Her character demonstrated such a large change through the storyline. And her seiyuu's performance is nothing but the best. She and Sakai Yuji make a very good team, and I feel that she has a lot more room to expand on character development.
MIKURU ASAHINA, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Well, who doesnt love one of the greatest lolitas of all time? Of course, it's Asahina Mikuru! These innocent dearly sparkling eyes simply make me run wild all over my room. Haha, though Haruhi makes her wear those crazy cosplay outfits she is kind of cute in them. She is cute in anything! 

URUMI KANZAKI, Great Teacher Onizuka
For her love for school and teachers. She has brilliant ideas how to change others' lives into hell

TOHRU HONDA, Fruits Basket
Although quite a pushover, Tohru is very genuine. She never complains and she is very forgiving always being a pillar of support for those around her. And even though she is quite fragile, she knows her weakness and always aims to be a better person.

Good ol' Tenma-chan! How can you not love her? She's incredibly innocent and naive. Also shockingly oblivious at recognizing boys' feelings for her. Tenma-chan is so incredibly charismatic that you'll fall in love with her! It is an absolute pleasure watching her in School Rumble.
Honey is so cute and tiny, but he's also a feared martial artist, which make him absolutely amazing when it comes to plot possibilities.
RINI (CHIBI), Sailor Moon
Rini is a playful girl, but she is very kind and helpful to people.



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